At University of Southern Denmark, DaWS researchers cooperate with and are active within several departments and research units including:
- Department of Political Science
- Department of History
- DIAS (Danish Institute for Advanced Study)
- CPOP (Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics)
- Public Health DARC (Danish Aging Research Center)
DaWS emphasizes the importance of international cooperation. This happens in more formalized frameworks as well as in the form of close cooperation on the individual level. Our most important partner institutions are:
- SOCIUM Bremen
- Nordic Centre, Fudan University
- Bremen Graduate School in Social Science (BIGSS)
- Helsinki University
- Danish Welfare Museum in Svendborg
Furthermore, DaWS researchers are active within a number of academic networks and organizations such as:
- VELNET (The Danish National Network for Welfare State Studies)
- ESPA-NET (The European Network for Social Policy Analysis)