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Just Society

Chibuikem Nnaeme has been invited for a research fellowship with JUST SOCIETY in September 2022

Chibuikem obtained a doctorate in Development Studies from the University of Johannesburg in 2019 within the research topics: social grants, developmental agency and livelihood improvements of beneficiaries. In 2020, he obtained a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Johannesburg. His research has been published in renowned academic journals including World Development, Journal of International Development, Development in Practice, and Development Southern Africa in his areas of research interests including social policy, development, agency, and informal economy. During his visit to SDU in 2022, he intends to research the legal consequences of the South African Social Security Agency's outsourcing of social grant payments to private businesses. SASSA could be argued to have abdicated her statutory responsibility at the hands of profit-oriented entities who construed vulnerable citizens as markets to be exploited. 

Learn more about Chibuikem’s research here

Last Updated 22.05.2024