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Doctor's Advice

Doctors advice

Our team is analyzing how people living in Denmark perceive doctors’ health recommendations, this includes possible barriers. We are using an intercultural aspect, investigating three different nationalities and their experiences.

Specifically, how Danes, Nepalese and Germans all living in Denmark perceive doctors’ recommendations for lifestyle changes.

This provides us with a rounded perspective on the topic, especially since Denmark is diverse in its citizens. To get the data we’re using our data from the pilot project, where we identified 9 different emerging themes, and further validating these.

Each team member will conduct a workshop on Zoom with 3-4 new participants to further deepen the understanding of possible doctor-patient barriers in a more qualitative matter and to spark discussion between participants and the emerging barriers.
It can help strengthen the doctor-patient relationship, leading the patients to be more likely to follow the doctors’ recommendations by eliminating barriers. It is especially important since there is a gap in academic literature that deals with this topic from the patients’ perspective and preferences.

Further, it can lead to the patients to have a healthier and better lifestyle if the doctors deliver recommendations in a correct manner, meaning decreased costs for society.
First, participants were interviewed for the pilot study, this is followed by a Zoom workshop with new participants to further validate the findings from before and receive feedback on our initial findings.

We anticipate a discussion about the preferred way of getting recommendations by a doctor, and then will give the participants a scenario which we then discuss together.

Links to project webspaces       



Science advisor

Sweta Mahato, MSc Public Health, Esbjerg /Bachelor in Public Health

Isabella Drachmann Rasmussen, MA Psychology, Odense / BA Psychology

Viktoria Feldhinkel, MSc Econ & Business Admin, Odense /BSc 


Pernille T. Andersen  

Last Updated 15.06.2020