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SDU Citizen Science Knowledge Center

The Knowledge Center is hosted by the Library and anchored at all Faculties, DIAS, RIO as well as Odense University Hospital. The overall goals are.

For society:

  • To bring citizens closer to science – and scientists closer to society
  • To broker knowledge sharing about Citizen Science – internally and externally
  • To open the research process for all citizens across all levels of education and social groups through communication, education and learning

For researchers:

  • To enable researchers to conduct excellent research with regards to Citizen Science
  • To provide relevant services for researchers – and enable them to act themselves
  • To support the UN SDG’s

The Knowledge Center supports and consolidates the SDU strategy ofcreating value for and together with society by working with the UN’s SDGs” and is working to attract and maintain present and future generations of talents, learners and citizen scientists.

The task of the Center is to create impact by (1) initiating projects aimed at dissolving traditional divisions between research professionals, Faculties and the other links in the chain of education and (2) initiating projects in collaboration with the public including new and established media. An important aspect is (3) supporting researchers in managing research projects in order to conduct ethical sound community-based research, collect data, and do excellent research as well as (4) promoting Open Science.

Thus, the Center aims to support relevant research for and with citizens of high quality and in that way not only differentiate SDU and OUH as institutions but also aims to strengthen the status and legitimacy of research in society including public debate in the media, civil society and amongst decisionmakers.
The centre is directed by the Deputy Library Director.

For more info, please contact

  • Thomas Kaarsted, Deputy Library Director, University Library of Southern Denmark
  • Anne Kathrine Overgaard, Head External Projects, Faculty of Health Science

The Steering Committee

  • Bertil F. Dorch, Director, University Library of Southern Denmark
  • ​Helle Waagepetersen, Pro-rector, SDU​
  • Jens Ejbye Schmidt, Head of Institute, Tech Faculty
  • Kim Brixen, Director, Odense University Hospital
  • Marianne Holmer, Dean, Science Faculty
  • Ole Skøtt, Dean, Faculty of Health Science
  • Hanne Søndergaard Birkmose, Dean, Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
  • Sebastian Mernild, Head of Center, SDU Climate Cluster
  • Simon Møberg Torp, Dean, Faculty of Humanities 
  • Sten Rynning, Director, DIAS (Danish Institute for Advanced Study)


Last Updated 27.07.2024