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Computational particle physics

Research introduction

Particle physics is about understanding the fundamental forces and constituents of nature. For that, huge experiments like the large hadron collider at CERN and extensive computations on supercomputers need to advance together.

Why are some materials ferromagnetic and others not? What is the nature of the Higgs particle? What is the nature of dark matter? Addressing such questions often requires to simulate the forces of nature on supercomputers.


Educational programmes & courses

We use computational methods to study quantum field theory, statistical systems and even epidemiology. Computational thinking has become central in almost all natural sciences.

Videos & podcasts

Meet Michele Della Morte

  • Associate professor at CP3-Origins since 2013
  • PhD in Physics from University of Milano Bicocca
  • Research interests: lattice gauge theories, strongly interacting extensions of the standard model, Monte Carlo simulations, a. o.

SDU's research profile


Meet Claudio Pica

  • Professor mso at CP3-Origins since 2013
  • PhD in Physics from University of Pisa
  • Research interests: Lattice Field Theory, beyond standard model physics, among others.

SDU's research profile


Last Updated 12.07.2024