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Recognition of faces and objects among people with an autism spectrum diagnosis

This research project aims to investigate how people with an autism spectrum diagnosis (ASD) recognize faces and objects, and how it relates to the use of local and global stimuli in perception. Studies suggest that some people with ASD might have difficulty recognizing faces, and others might find it difficult to recognize specific types of objects. The difficulties might not apply to some people with ASD.

Among people without an autism spectrum diagnosis, there appears to be a relation between face/object recognition, and the use of local and global stimuli in perception. We do not yet have knowledge about whether the same relation can be found in people with ASD, and if it perhaps can explain some of the difficulties that some people with ASD experience.

This will be investigated in this research project.

The results will be published in scientific journals or presented at conferences. The data will of course be anonymized before publishing. If the participants wish to, they will receive the articles from the project, and be invited to a presentation about the results.

The participants in the project must be native Danish speakers, and participant information will therefore be available only in Danish. You can read more about the project in Danish here.

Last Updated 15.11.2023