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The research unit is anchored at Odense University Hospital and is part of Department of Clinical Research under the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Southern Denmark

The vision of the Department of Clinical Research is to create the patient treatment of the future through research and education in at strong collaboration with Odense University Hospital. 

Learn more: 

Research strategy for OUH and the Department of Clinical Research 

Department of Clinical Research


Other collaborations

The Haematology Reserarch Unit has established strong collaborations with multiple national and international partners and research networks.

The collaborations range from bilateral to cross and multi-disciplinary, across different university faculties and health sectors, and include several scientific methodologies.

We would very much like to hear from you, if you are a research-interested student or graduate interested in joining a project or engaging in discussions about the potential of initiating your own project.  Please contact research secretary Vickie Svane Kristensen - e-mail:

Last Updated 27.07.2024