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CMSS Maritime Research Seminar 2024

Again this year, CMSS invites you to a Maritime Research Seminar on Thursday 18 April 2024 from 12.30-4pm on the SDU, Campus Esbjerg, Degnevej 14.

We are pleased to present the keynote speakers at the seminar:

  • Director of Climate and Green Transition, Jakob Haugaard from Danish Maritime Authority will present: 'Denmark’s support for green Shipping at a global level.'
  • Associate Professor Jakob Krause-Jensen from Aarhus University. Jakob will present 'Turning a Tanker: Notes on the cultural challenges of the Green Transition in the Shipping Industry.'

    The afternoon also offers exciting presentations, where a number of our maritime researchers will talk about their latest research results. There will be ample opportunity to ask questions of the respective researchers who are associated with the projects, and during the coffee there will be an opportunity to network.

    Mark your calendar now. There are limited places and registration to Mette Dahl and Igor Kozin is necessary. The deadline is 10 April.

    If we have to take allergies or other things into account  in connection with catering, please let us know.

    You will find our flyer here.

We look forward to seeing you at the event.

Last Updated 21.03.2024