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Welcome to Senior researcher Igor Kozin, PhD

On November 1, Igor Kozin took up a full-time position as senior researcher at CMSS.

Igor Kozin has worked as scientist and associate professor at the Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia, was a guest researcher at Risø National Laboratory, State University of New York at Binghamton, and senior researcher at the Technical University of Denmark.

In his research Igor has explored a wide range of topics and questions related to safety and risk management. He has modelled and analyzed several safety-critical systems in a very diverse empirical context, which includes infrastructure (railways, maritime shipping, and urban car transportation), buildings, and the energy sector (oil and gas exploration, and different types of power plants). He has analyzed and modelled the safety, reliability, resilience and security of such systems, and investigated support mechanism for decision making in relation to such systems.

Igor Kozin's publications have appeared in several high-quality journals, mainly in the fields of engineering and safety sciences (including Safety Science, Annual Reviews in Control, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Structural Safety). He has also published some of his work in journals in the maritime domain (Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology, and Maritime Policy and Management).

In the maritime domain, Igor has conducted and co-authored a study on fire in container ship cargoes. Container cargo fires are a rising concern in international container shipping, and in several cases, fires have caused the loss of several lives at sea as well as total losses of container vessels. In their article, Igor and his co-authors investigate the common causes for such fires, and make proposals for cost-effective technical solutions to quickly detect cargo fires and mitigate such risks. Igor has also conducted and co-authored a study on safe manning of merchant ships, which is a matter of high importance for maritime safety. In the study, Igor and his co-author have developed a computer software tool to support shipping companies and maritime authorities in their decisions on the staffing of merchant ships.

Igor has long experience with university level teaching as well as supervision of both PhD students and MSc students. He has designed and taught several courses at the Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering in Russia, and at DTU in Denmark. He has taught MSc engineering students on safety and reliability of engineered systems, and risk and decision making. In 2018 and 2019, DTU students nominated him as Teacher of the Year.

Editing was completed: 02.11.2021