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Maritime research collaboration

SDU/CMSS, FMS and UCL in a unique maritime research collaboration!

The champagne was popped to mark the beginning of a new project and collaboration focusing on the use of data-driven models as a tool to assist onboard crews in navigation and operational optimization. The project, known as "GREENition," is an acronym for Green Transition. GREENition 1.0 is an initial project that aims to collect data from a ferry company, supporting and fact-checking the existing models and indications. Subsequently, the plan is to scale up the project and gather data from multiple ships for the development and testing of new models and methods. This approach will further enhance the efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions from maritime transportation through operational data from a broader range of vessels.

The project builds on initial efforts made by SDU and FMS. Applied research projects with the industry is not new, however, the fact that the project is also a collaboration between a university, a university college, and a college of marine and technical engineering is quite unique. It opens up new possibilities and results necessary for the green transition while also promoting learning and knowledge sharing within and across educational and industry sectors. The project is supported by the additional 28 million DKK allocated to the maritime sector from the Ministry of Education and Research in 2023 for research collaborations in applied research, including the green transition. We look forward to sharing more about our progress in this exciting journey!  

Editing was completed: 20.02.2024