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Researchgroup PE

The pharmacoepidemiological research group is led by professors Jesper Hallas and Anton Pottegård and comprises approximately 40 individuals. The research group endeavors to develop methods, infrastructure, and practice within pharmacoepidemiology. This involves improving existing analysis methods or developing new ones, as well as holding courses, sharing codes, and publishing tutorials and supporting material for other researchers. In addition, the group is extremely active in both the Danish Society for Pharmacoepidemiology, in the Nordic network for Pharmacoepidemiology, and in the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology. In addition to method development, the group is widely recognized for applied pharmacoepidemiological research within virtually all therapeutic areas, i.e. studies of specific drug effects, with the aim of creating knowledge that can be used by clinicians, patients, and regulators. There is also a dedicated clinical trial unit with a focus on Phase IV studies. The group has seven research domains including drug utilization research, pediatric pharmacoepidemiology, translational research, deprescribing, cancer pharmacoepidemiology, methods development within pharmacoepidemiology, and practices for hypothesis-free screening. The deprescribing domain is in collaboration with the research unit at the hospital pharmacy at Odense University Hospital. Besides collaborating with the hospital pharmacy, the group has an extensive collaboration with Danish clinicians and with international researchers.

Last Updated 03.09.2024