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Ongoing PhD projects

Mette Louise Andersen

Adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes in women with multiple sclerosis – nationwide clinical epidemiological studies.

Alice Markussen

Real-world treatment patterns and outcomes in patients with biliary tract cancer: Danish nationwide population-based analysis

Line Holdgaard Thomsen

Risk factors of epithelial ovarian cancer among women with endometriosis: An epidemiologic study based on Danish registries and an endometriosis specific questionnaire.

Julie Rasmussen

Psychosocial consequences for patients diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease at young age

Sara Bønløkke Lindved

Risk of cancer among women with prior cervical precancer

Anne-Sofie A. Faarvang

The arterial wall in patients with diabetes: Do changes in arterial basement membrane proteins predict future arterial disease? Are remodeling processes altered?

Last Updated 13.08.2024