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Two biomedical laboratory students finish their practical internship

Mathilde and Emilie finish their 10 week practical internship with a very nice presentation

For 10 weeks Mathilde and Emilie has been working diligently on a practical project concerning maturing induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes. They have performed cell culturing, RNA purification, generated cDNA, flowcytometry and microscopy.

We have been very glad to have Mathilde and Emilie visit our laboratory and wish them all the best in their future careers.

Mathilde and Emilie finish their 10 week practical internship with a very nice presentation

Mathilde and Emilie finish their 10 week practical internship with a very nice presentation

Mathilde and Emilie finish their 10 week practical internship with a very nice presentation


Editing was completed: 02.05.2024