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The research unit is anchored at Odense University Hospital and is part of Department of Clinical Research under the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Southern Denmark.

Research Unit's Ambition

The ambition of the research unit is to be a transparent and reliable partner for a wide range of stakeholders within the pharmaceutical field, transcending organizational structures, regions, departments, campuses, faculties, and institutes. A key success criterion for research activities is implementation and visibility at the population and patient levels. Therefore, the research unit and department participate in national (Interregional Forum for Coordination of Medicines, Danish Medicines Council, Danish Health Authority, Danish Medicines Agency, Danish Society for Clinical Pharmacology) and international (EACPT, ISEP, NORPEN, UEMS, ENTIS) networks, committees, and organizations that help translate research findings into immediate benefits for patients and the public.

We have established research collaborations with many partners, including the following:

National Collaborations

  • Research Unit for Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy, and Environmental Medicine, KFMM, IST, SDU
  • Steno Diabetes Center Odense, SDCO
  • SDU Climate Cluster
  • Health economic collaborations with DaCHE, Amgros, VIVE
  • Hospital pharmacies and private pharmacies in the Region of Southern Denmark
  • The pharmaceutical industry
  • Research Unit for Psychiatry in the Region of Southern Denmark
  • Research Unit for General Practice, Odense

International Collaborations

  • University of Montreal
  • Emory University, Atlanta
  • University of Oslo
  • University of Vermont

University of Southern Denmark and Department of Clinical Research

The vision of the Department of Clinical Research is to create the patient treatment of the future through research and education in at strong collaboration with Odense University Hospital. 

Learn more: 

Research strategy for OUH and the Department of Clinical Research 

Department of Clinical Research


Last Updated 08.08.2024