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Cleantech & industrial water management

H Grüttner, SDU Life Cycle Engineering

The development of cleaner technologies in industry and agriculture plays a key role in the sustainable development and innovation, and we have had several activities in this field. We have special competences within manure management technologies, waste management technologies, textile operations, paper industry and other water based operations. 

Water is an important resource for many types of industries being the carrier for chemical reactions, different forms of fermentation, solvent for miscellaneous products and as cleaning and rinsing agent. Further water is often the carrier for energy and works as cooling agent. Hence it is important to deal with water quality aspects in relation to water treatment and recycling - as an example of a clean-tech area - which also illustrates the complexity of developing and implementing new technologies in production.

Based on the approach of process intensification and water fit-for-use we support implementation of integrated water treatment. Further we deal with harvesting of resources from water in the form of valuable chemicals or energy etc.

 Examples of research projects related to this area:

EnergyPlus: Anaerobic membrane filtration for wastewater treatment and energy production

The project aims to test a concept for purification and utilization of the energy content of highly loaded industrial wastewater using a newly developed anaerobic membrane bioreactor with net energy surplus.

© H Grüttner, Centre for Life Cycle Engineering, SDU


IRPP BREF: Revision of the BREF document for Intensive Rearing of Poultry and Pigs

The aim of this project was to develop a methodology and tool for the holistic assessment of technologies for the intensive rearing of poultry and pigs for the EU IPCC Bureau and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.

WT BREF: Revision of the BREF document for waste treatment technologies

The aim of this project was to support the EU IPCC Bureau and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency in the assessment of waste treatment technologies.

Interested in learning more? You are welcome to contact 
Research manager for Cleantech & industrial water management Henrik Grüttner 

Last Updated 13.06.2024