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Methodologies & techniques

Methodologies and equipment of high relevance are in place, including many in SDU core facilities:

  • Cell culture facilities for isolation, propagation and differentiation of stem cells and preparation and maintenance of organotypic brain slice cultures;
  • mass spectrometry (SDU Clinical Proteomic Center and BMB);
  • flow cytometry and cell sampling (IMM Flow Cytometry Core Facility);
  • ex vivo gene transfer;
  • high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis for neurotransmitters and metabolites;
  • Q-PCR;
  • ELISA;
  • immunocytochemistry;
  • Western blotting;
  • in situ hybridization;
  • electron microscopy (transmission and scanning);
  • confocal laser microscopy and on-line time-lapse microscopy (DaMBIC);
  • stereological cell counting;
  • facilities for stereotactic neural transplantation and behavioural assessment of rats and mice;
  • metabolomics;
  • laser capture dissection combined with proteomics;
  • paraffin embedded tissue slides combined with proteomics.

Last Updated 19.10.2023