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Research areas

The research unit in neurology was established in 2019. The focus areas are clinical research within multiple sclerosis and headache.

The neurological research unit is located at Hospital South West Jutland, Department of Brain and Nerve Diseases, Esbjerg.


Core areas

Headache and multiple sclerosis

Focus areas for research

  • Clinical optimization of adherence and non-pharmacological treatment
  • Biomarkers within multiple sclerosis
  • COVID-19 and
  • vaccines during immunotherapy


Examples of current projects

  • Biomarkers
  • Treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis
  • Treatment optimization for multiple sclerosis and headache
  • Immunosuppression, COVID-19, and mRNA vaccines
  • Phase III and IV studies within headache and multiple sclerosis

The projects are conducted in collaboration with both national and international researchers.



Our research strategy (in Danish)

Overview of our publications

Last Updated 27.07.2024