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Ny ph.d.-studerende

Natalia Barkholt ny ph.d. studerende

Projekttitel: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease of Infancy - Diagnosis and treatment.

Den 1. september startede Natalia Barkholt som ph.d.-studerende ved HCA Forskning. Hendes ph.d.-projekt har titlen:  Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease of Infancy - Diagnosis and treatment.

 Projektet består af tre delprojekter:

  • Indication for and result of gastroscopy in infants – a retrospective study from 2009-2017
  • The frequency and treatment of GERD based on a standardized algorithm – a prospective study since 2022
  • The effect of a cow's milk protein free diet and PPI on GERD in infants - a randomized placebo controlled trial

Læs mere om projektet her.


Gitte Zachariassen er hovedvejleder, mens Josefine Gradman og Kasper Dalby er medvejledere.


Projektet finansieres af Institut for Regional Sundhedstjenesteforskning, SDU, Region Syddanmarks ph.d.-pulje og Sygehus Sønderjylland

Editing was completed: 01.09.2023