- PHILOS is a significant and important initiative which has the full support of the Faculty of Science.
- The obligation for knowledge dissemination for a PHILOS representative is 70 working hours annually, which is adjusted according to the representation period. The PhD student must register the working hours in SmartReg half-yearly at the end of each semester.
- PHILOS must at all times keep the PhD School updated on who the members of the working group are, and the PhD School notifies the departments.
- The PHILOS website is updated by the PhD School, so that you always can see the current representatives
of the working group. - The Dean of the Faculty of Science supports PHILOS with a budget of approx. DKK 15,000 per year.
PhD School of the Faculty of Science University of Southern Denmark
- Campusvej 55
- Odense M - DK-5230
- Phone: +45 6550 2068
Last Updated 10.08.2023