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PhD-Course: CITIZEN SCIENCE (Fall 2023) in Humanities and Social Sciences

Citizen Science is a is a fast-growing field. It is a response to the increasing pressure on universities to justify their research invest­ments and to explain benefits to citizens. This course addresses PhD students from the Humanities and Social Sciences who like to explore opportunities of Citizen Science in their own research, or even want to plan for concrete citizen participation.

Dates: Thursday, 14thof September
Thursday, 28thof September
Thursday, 26thof October or Friday, 27thof October (Choose one)
Thursday, 9thof November
Time: All 4 times fra 10:00-18:00
Place: Thursday, 14thof September - in meetingroomComenius, SDU, Campus Odense
Thursday, 28thof September -Stadsarkivet and Pakhuset, Kolding
Thursday, 26thof October -in meetingroomComenius, SDU, Campus Odense
Friday, 27thof October - in BIB teachingroom 1, Campus Odense
Thursday, 9thof November - The guest cafe (K-61.01) SDU, Campus Kolding
Teaching language is English
Lecturers: SDU researchers with Citizen Science experiences, colleagues from Citizen Science Knowledge Center and guest lectures:

Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Senior lecturer with Alan Turing Institut in London
Josep Perelló, Professor of physics with University of Barcelona
Patricia Wolf , Professor of innovation, SDU
Julie Emontspool, associate professor, SDU
Readings: Readings wil be provided after registration. If you are currious, check out the book "Citizen Science - Innovation in open science, society and policy" by Hecker et al. UCL Press.
Registration: By mail to Secretary, Jeanet Dal at mail
Deadline for registration: Before 1stof September

When registering please provide your full name, email adress, affiliation and which course and dates you are signing up for.
Organisers: Responsibles for this course are:
Jacob Buur, Department of Media, Design, Education and Cognition, SDU
Thomas Kaarsted, SDU Citizen Science Knowledge Center.


PhD-course: CITIZEN SCIENCE (Fall 2023)
in Humanities and Social Sciences 

4 full-day seminars, September - November with preparation and homework


Citizen Science is the inclusion of contribution from and reciprocity with citizens in research. It is a set of research methods that weighs heavily on co-design and transverse communication skills and often includes big datasets and a democratic component. From Natural Sciences, Citizen science has spread across many other research disciplines in the past few years. It has been adopted by various societal actors including museums, archives, media, NGO’s, private companies, public schools and high schools and represents an opportunity for concrete research for and with society.


Citizen Science is a is a fast-growing field. It is a response to the increasing pressure on universities to justify their research invest­ments and to explain benefits to citizens. Citizen Science can also be seen to count­er the movements towards a post-factual society.


This course addresses PhD students from the Humanities and Social Sciences who like to explore opportunities of Citizen Science in their own research, or even want to plan for concrete citizen participation. You will learn innovative ways of engaging citizens in re­search – as data collectors, co-analysts and even policy co-developers. You will experience co-design methods in practice, design your own pilot project and build competencies with various methods that can potentially boost your research and make it more relevant to society.


The programme includes master classes and hands-on workshops with SDU lecturers and external guests, and it offers rich cases of Citizen Science within humanities and social sciences. Through home assignments and discussions with the lecturers you get to develop potential methods for your own research, and guage how citizen contributions may be valuable. Day 3 has two alternative programmes - choos on depending on your research. Or join both and earn 1 extra ECTS. 





Thursday, September 14, 2023, 10:00-18:00 in meetingroom "Comenius", SDU, Campus Odense

Citizen Science opportunities – overview:

  • Citizen Science theories & typologies
  • Citizen studies & citizen portraits
  • Project cases from humanities and social sciences
  • Presentation of your PhD research and CS opportunities


Thursday, September 28, 2023, 10:00-18:00 in Stadsarkivet and Pakhuset, Kolding

Citizen engagement – deep dive:

  • Co-design of citizen engagement & co-sensemaking
  • Communication in Citizen Science
  • Excursion to Kolding City Archives
  • Presentation of your first citizen portrait


Two alternative days:
Choose one that best suits your research:

Thursday, October 26, 2023, 10:00-18:00 in  meetingroom Comenius SDU Odense

Digital engagement – scaling up with Bastian G Tzovaras:

  • Scientific crowdsourcing in practice
  • Online communities and platforms
  • Hands-on work with platforms
  • Presentation of your pilot workshop highlights


Friday, October 27, 2023, 10:00-18:00 in BIB teachingroom 1, SDU Odense

Public engagement – scaling up with Josep Perello:


  • Large-scale public engagement in practice
  • Accelerating grassroots initiatives
  • Hands-on work with public engagement
  • Presentation of your pilot workshop highlights


Thursday, November 9, 2023, 10:00-18:00 in "Gæstecaféen (K-61.01)" SDU, Campus Kolding

Citizen Science publication – data and perspectives:

  • Publication of Citizen Science contributions
  • FAIR data and Data processing
  • Citizen Science and SDGs
  • Presentation of your pilot study proposals





Editing was completed: 14.09.2023