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SDU hosts the EMAC 2023 Doctoral Colloquium

The PhD school will host the EMAC 2023 Colloquium for doctoral students in marketing, organized in collaboration with The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) and the European Marketing Academy (EMAC). The colloquium is a great opportunity to advance your research through interactions with a faculty team comprised of leading international researchers with extensive editorial experience in top marketing and consumer research journals.

The Colloquium will be held at SDU on May 21- 23, 2023 prior to the EMAC Annual Conference that will also be held in Odense. More information can be found here.

Please note, that in addition to applying as a full participant the PhD school will also have an opportunity to add a few ‘guest’ students who will be able to sit in as observers during the sessions. Please get in touch with the head of PhD school ( if you are interested in joining the sessions as an observer.
Editing was completed: 21.05.2023