The Research Unit contributes to several different educations. Units and courses where we are involved can be seen below.
Medical School, SDU
Old Study Plan:
- Modul K1: Hjerte, luftveje og ØNH (Heart, Airways & oto rhino laryngologi)
- Modul K9: Kvindesygdomme og reproduktion
- Modul K12: Sygdomme i huden
- Modul K14: OSCE - forberedende kliniske kurser
New Study Plan:
- Modul K1: Hjerte, luftveje og ØNH (Heart, Airways & oto rhino laryngologi)
- Modul K6: Retsmedicin, nyrer og urinveje og kræft
- Modul K9: Hud, øjne, anvendt farmakologi og ældre
- Modul 10: Forberedelse til KBU
We teach subjects such as general plastic surgery, burns, breast cancer and breast surgery, cancer in the oral cavity, and skin tumors (malignant melmanomas). In addition, the department handles clinical stays and supervises undergraduate projects and master's theses.
For details, refer to SDU's curricula.
The Graduate School
Training of Medical Specialist
Surgery & Plastic Surgery
- Nordiske Kurser i Plastikkirurgi (A-kurser)
- Praktisk fælleskirurgisk kursus
- Suturkursus