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Polariton Science Conference 4-7 June

80 researchers joined the conference in Odense to present results within the research field of polariton-driven nanoscale light-matter interactions

By Louise Skovborg Just, , 6/10/2024

4-7 June POLIMA had the pleasure of hosting the Polariton Science Conference which featured invited talks from emerging and renowned international research leaders. The conference focused on the state-of-the-art and future directions of polariton-driven nanoscale light-matter interactions across diverse fields. 

80 researchers from  more than 30 research groups joined the conference and spent the time in Odense discussing and presenting results.

Keynote speaker

Professor Ido Kaminer opened the conference with his talk 'Mapping Light-Matter Interactions Using Ultrafast Free Electrons'.

Ido Kaminer at the Polariton Science Conference 2024

Summer School 4-5 June

5o younger scientists started the Polariton Science Conference with a two-day Summer School with lectures from Professor Nahid Talebi, Professor Bert Hecht, Professor Javier Garcia de Abajo, Professor Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi, Professor Joel Yang and Professor Thomas Pertsch.

Nahid Talebi lecture at the Polariton Science Conference Summer School 2024

Best Poster Award

Wenhua Zhao, Max Born Instute, Berlin won the Best Poster Award for her poster with the title: 'Real-time surface plasmon polariton propagation in silver nanowires'. The prize was generously sponsored by NIL Technology. 

Wenhua Zhao winner Best Poster at the Polariton Science Conference 2024

Photos from the conference

Please enjoy photos from the poster session, the talks and from the networking breaks. 

Participants at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Participants at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi lecture at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Participants at the Summer School at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Participants at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Karolina Słowik at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Stéphane Kéna-Cohen at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Wenhua Zhao, Alvaro Rodriguez Echarri and N. Asger Mortensen at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Nahid Talebi and Bert Hecht at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Karolina Słowik at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Ulrik Quaade from NILT at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Sven Ebel and Daniel Miranda at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Bert Hecht, Joel Yang, Thomas Pertsch and N. Asger Mortensen at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Gonzalo Alvarez Perez at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Kristín Arnardottír and Javier Fernandex Martinez at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Christos Mystilidis and Dorte Rubæk Danielsen at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Abhik Chakraborty at the Polariton Science Conference 2024
Andre Chaves at the Polariton Science Conference 2024

Danish National Research Foundation generously funded the Polariton Science Conference

Read more about Danish National Research Foundation

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Best Poster Award

NIL Technology generously funded the Best Poster Award

NIL Technology

Editing was completed: 10.06.2024