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The AMIG project is to investigate the working environment initiatives in companies in Greenland

Professor  Peter Hasle , SDU, project leader: , +45 4062 6056
Professor Søren Voxted, Ilisimatusarfik:

A new research collaboration between Ilisimatusarfik, (University of Greenland) and SDU (University of Southern Denmark) will examine how companies in Greenland can create a better work envi-ronment. 

Very little research in the work environment in Greenland has been conducted in the past. Therefore, this new research initiative provides a significant opportunity to gain new knowledge about the work environment activities in companies in Greenland – and to which extent the present legislation, which is practically a copy of the Danish legislation, fits the context in Greenland and takes into consideration the needs of the companies and their employees. 

The Danish Working Environment Research Foundation - Arbejdsmiljøforskningsfonden - has granted 1.9 million Danish kroner for the research project which has the objective to examine how private companies can manage their work environment activities.

The research data will be used to identify options for increased performance within the companies, as well as in the support offered to the companies from the public authorities. 

The project is conducted in close collaboration with four large companies in Greenland: Royal Greenland, Royal Arctic Line, Permagreen and Pisiffik. The project includes a questionnaire survey to companies with more than 9 employees, and also in-depth case studies in four large companies. 

Furthermore, participants from the employer’s association, labour unions and the authorities (Grønlands Erhverv, SIK, Arbejdstilsynet and Departementet for Erhverv, Energi, Forskning & Arbejds-marked) participate in an advisory group for the project. 

To increase the continued development of the research in this area Ilisimatusarfik has appointed pro-ject leader Peter Hasle adjunct professor at Ilisimatusarfik. 

SDU Global Sustainable Production University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 7450

Last Updated 05.10.2023