Over the period of a few decades, Bangladesh's ready-made garment sector has evolved to become the world's second largest exporter as well as a significant contributor of Bangladesh's economy and development. Since the terrible incidents of the Tazreen Fash-ions fire & Rana Plaza building collapse in Dhaka, Bangladesh that killed thousands of workers, global attention on worker safety in the garment sector has increased dramati-cally. Advance of a strong safety culture may improve safety and health of workers in garment industry in Bangladesh, and this PhD-study will provide knowledge about the cur-rent status of occupational safety and health culture in practice, the challenges to im-prove the OSH culture and the impact of social compliance audit on the OSH culture in garment industry in Bangladesh.
PhD research question:
“How can Bangladesh social compliance audits make an impact on continuous improve-ment of the occupational safety and health culture in the ready-made garment industries in Bangladesh?”
Sub questions:
a. What is the impact of social audits on management policies on safety behaviour?
b. What are the influences of social audit to execute safety climate in the garments in-dustry of Bangladesh?
c. Do social compliance audit and governmental factory inspections interact and influ-ence safety culture?