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ShippingLab is a non-profit innovation and project partnership in Blue Denmark – a national research and innovation platform for digital and sustainable shipping in Denmark

SDU Mech is involved in WP 1: WP1 Digital Ship operations 
The project focuses on vessel modelling and developing more precise ship models and better estimation of the effects that the environment has on vessel and system performance. WP1 will deliver tools and methodology for digital twinning of vessel in the seaway, using high frequency data. 
The SDU Mech work more specifically: Vessel operation and diagnostics engine for performance analysis. A close feedback loop to vessel crews, raising the bar for decision support, providing higher order conclusions and decision support for actions.

Partners in project: Vessel Performance Solution, DTU, FORCE, Lauritzen, Torm, MAN Diesel & Turbo, Logimatic, AAU, SIMAC

The project is funded by The Innovation Fund Denmark and the private funds: Lauritzen Fonden, Orients Fond, Den Danske Maritime Fond.
Project period: 2019 to 2022.
For more information go to

Last Updated 28.06.2024