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ShippingLab II

ShippingLab II

ShippingLab is a non-profit innovation and project partnership in Blue Denmark – a national research and innovation platform for digital and sustainable shipping in Denmark. 
Financial backing from Innovation Fund Denmark, Danish Maritime Fund, Orient’s Fund and 

The project is funded by The Innovation Fund Denmark and the private funds: Lauritzen Fonden, Orients Fond, Den Danske Maritime Fond.
Project period: 2024 to 2027.
For more information go to

SDU Mech is involved in 2 work packages.

WP1 - Digital Twins for vessel performance and design
Project period: May 2024 – April 2027

WP 1.3 Digital twin and human factors in vessel performance
Sub-task 1.3.1 Definition of out-of-range-parameters
Define functions for out-of-range detection, root cause identification and develop algorithms to suggest new entries
Partners: VPS, SDU
- Sub-Task 1.3.2 Definition of optimum Electrical load balance  
Develop module to suggest vessel baseline, including major consumers for most common ship types and identifying equipment for cargo operations.
Partners: VPS, SIMAC, SDU



WP 5 Digital Models for Crew Comfort
Project period: May 2024 – April 2027

The goal of the Task is to develop knowledge and technologies that can help ship operators or owners of crew transport vessels to deliver safe and comfortable transport of crew and passengers and to obtain environmentally friendly and cost-efficient operation.

The Task will address the problem of seasickness. A demo tool that can estimate and predict the probability of seasickness for a given weather forecast will be developed together with guidelines on mitigation methods and technologies. The tool will be developed for a specific vessel, whereas the guidelines will be more general and cover other factors than vessel movements, that might influence the occurrence of seasickness or have impact on the comfort of the crew.

Partners: MHO Co, FORCE Technology, SDU


Last Updated 28.06.2024