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R4R - Robots for Retail (2023-2024)

The project called R4R (Understanding the Implications of Robots Working in Everyday Public Interaction in Retail) has the purpose to harness the untapped potential of robots in the retail sector. It will delve into the possibilities and obstacles involved in using mobile robots to aid retail personnel in logistical functions.

Through field research, particularly at one of the main retailers in Denmark, the project aims to uncover both technical and cultural barriers. The goal is to pinpoint suitable solutions for integrating robots into shared retail environments.

The Ministry of Higher Education and Science has financed this project. 

Read more here

Associate Professor Leon Bodenhagen

Project partners: 
- Aarhus University
- Odense Robotics
- SDU Robotics 

SDU Robotics University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230

Last Updated 25.10.2023