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Centre for Uses of Literature


Dr Clara Jones

(Senior Lecturer in Modern Literature, King's College London)

Radical Politics and Readers' Competitions: Amabel Williams-Ellis and Left Review

5 December 2023, 14:00-15:30

On Zoom; all welcome. Email for the Zoom link.

For more details, click here.



Professor Rita Felski: How Not to Talk About Experience

30 May 2023, 14:00-16:00

Comenius meeting room, SDU Odense

Why do standard textbooks of literary theory avoid the concept of experience? And why is the turn to literary experience now an accelerating trend? This talk looks to recent German theory, especially Hartmut Rosa’s account of the phenomenology and sociology of resonance, as a resource for literary critics interested in rethinking experience in relational and worldly terms.

 Rita Felski is the John Stewart Bryan Professor of English, University of Virginia, and was Niels Bohr Professor at SDU (2016-2022). She remains affiliated with the Center for Uses of Literature.

Last Updated 15.02.2024