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Centre for Uses of Literature
New publication

Precarity and Public Housing dossier

How do artistic mediations of the European social housing development register the precarious temporalities of the present?

The new edition of ASAP/Journal, the scholarly publication of the Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present, includes a dossier edited by Emily J. Hogg and Bryan Yazell: 'Precarity and Public Housing'. The dossier features short essays on temporality in literary and artistic representations of European social housing developments. Contributors include Center member Jon Helt Haarder and affiliated member Mathies G. Aarhus as well as Benjamin Kohlmann (Regensburg) and Adrian Anagnost (Tulane). The dossier, in ASAP/Journal vol.8, no. 1,  is available here.
Editing was completed: 24.04.2023