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Centre for Uses of Literature

New Work in Literary and Cultural Theory 

This work package will focus on reading and discussing interesting and potentially ground-breaking new works of literary - and cultural theory, specifically in the intersection of affect studies, kinship studies, queer studies, feminist studies and literary studies. The overall aim is to follow developments within these fields and consider how they might influence our individual research projects


Coordinator and contact person: Camilla Schwarz



Ida Aaskov Dolmer 

Charlotte Johanne Fabricius

Ella Fegitz

Jon Helt Haarder

Emily Hogg

Nicklas Freisleben Lund

Anne-Marie Mai

Troels Obbekær

Peter Simonsen

Anita Wohlmann

Bryan Yazell

New Work in Literary and Cultural Theory Events

Click here for upcoming events in the cluster


Last Updated 21.02.2024