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Nordic qualifying examinations

If you have an qualifying Nordic exam (see below), the deadline for application is 15 March, 12:00. Your application will be assessed in both quota 2 and quota 1. To be assessed in quota 1, your qualifying examination must be able to be converted to the Danish grade scale and meet the grade requirements of the programme.

Qualifying examination - what is it called in the other Nordic countries

  • Sweden: a three-year upper secondary school education or similar (Slutbetyg / Eksamensbevis for Högskoleforberedende Eksamen / Eksamensbevis for Yrkesexamen, Gymnasieskolen med grundläggende behörighet)
  • Norway: general study competence based on a three-year upper secondary school education at a school of higher education or similar (Vitnemål videregående opplæring / vitnemål fra den videregående skole)
  • Iceland: a four-year college degree with at least 140 credits or similar (Stúdentspróf) / 200 and 240 fein
  • Finland: Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/upper secondary school examination and lukion päättötodistustus/upper secondary school leaving certificate (Ylioppilastutkintotodistus / studentexamensbetyg)

Solely the result of the first examination counts
In Denmark, it is not possible to improve an examination result by retaking courses or taking supplementary courses after completing an upper secondary education. The grade point average (GPA)will be calculated of the very first achieved upper secondary school leaving certificate (slutbetyg, vitnemål, studentsprof, avgångsbetyg). Improvements in grades or additional courses must be listed in a separate document and are taken into consideration when assessing the specific entry requirements.

How do we assess the courses taken in the Nordic countries?
To see if you can fulfil the specific entry requirements of a Bachelor's programme, we check the courses you typically have taken under your qualifying examination.  In some cases, it may be necessary to take supplementary courses after completing the qualifying examination. Check here, how we assess the courses: Norway / Sweden / Finland / Island.

Admission Office University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 1051

Last Updated 04.05.2021