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MedTech Denmark

MedTech partnership unites research and technology to shape the future of patient care 

A new strategic partnership between the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), the Region of Southern Denmark and Odense Municipality will provide the framework for future technological healthcare solutions for patients throughout Denmark. 

MedTech Denmark will become a hub for research, development and implementation of new healthcare technologies. Bringing together researchers from SDU, healthcare professionals from Odense University Hospital (OUH) and companies from the medtech sector creates a unique environment where ideas can be exchanged and technologies can be developed and tested in close collaboration. The aim is to ensure that new, proven health technology solutions can be quickly implemented and scaled widely across the healthcare system, which will both improve patient care and free up labour for the most important tasks. 

SDU’s robotics research is already at the highest international level, and the University has long delivered new research-based knowledge in medtech. In addition, OUH and SDU have a firmly established collaboration in several centres across the two institutions, which develop clinical robots and work with artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector. 

Help from robots

Several of the projects are aimed at commercialisation. For example, researchers from SDU and OUH have developed the world's first fully automated arthritis scanning robot, which means shorter waiting times and greater flexibility for patients. A robotically transported parcel box makes it easy for patients and relatives to pick up medical equipment at OUH. 30 minutes is now reduced to less than 10 because patients no longer have to go to the outpatient clinic; they pick it up from the parcel box in the lobby at any time during the day. The third example is a training robot that performs leg muscle training exercises while the patient is lying in bed. In addition, the collaboration between SDU and OUH focuses on artificial intelligence for clinical practice, such as diagnostics. Specifically, it is used to analyse X-rays, MRI and CT scans, predict disease progression and diagnose diseases early. 

Innovative healthcare solutions

- MedTech Denmark will become a power centre for cutting-edge research with the aim of translating scientific discoveries into concrete solutions that can be implemented directly in the clinic. The clear purpose is to strengthen the development and dissemination of innovative healthcare solutions so that patients throughout Denmark can benefit from the latest technology as quickly as possible. This collaboration marks a milestone in our efforts to create better healthcare technology solutions. By bringing together experts from universities, clinics and private companies in a joint effort, we ensure that the technologies we develop are tailored to the needs of both patients and the healthcare system, says Jens Ringsmose, Rector of SDU. 

- The Region of Southern Denmark has a strong tradition of being at the forefront of healthcare innovation. With MedTech Denmark, together with SDU, we are taking the next big step towards ensuring that our patients have access to the latest and most effective treatments. That’s why the Region of Southern Denmark has also allocated DKK 10 million in the budget agreement for 2025 to co-finance research and development efforts in this important area, says Bo Libergren, Chair of the Regional Council of the Region of Southern Denmark. 

Treatments of the future

MedTech Denmark will focus on developing solutions in everything from advanced robotic surgery and telemedicine systems to artificial intelligence in diagnostics and treatment. By leveraging OUH’s strengths in highly specialised treatment, SDU’s leading position in technological research and Odense's position as an internationally recognised centre for robotics and innovation, the goal is to make the region an epicentre for medtech innovation in Europe. 

- SDU and Odense University Hospital will be under one roof in a few years. It has inspired us to think in terms of much closer relationships, also with other social institutions and companies. The MedTech collaboration is the most ambitious example to date of the kind of extended collaboration that will strengthen public health and lead to both better and completely new treatment options, says Anja Lund, Chair of the Digitalisation and Innovation Committee, Region of Southern Denmark.

Southern Denmark and Odense at the centre of innovation 
The medtech initiative opens up enormous opportunities, also when it comes to innovation in health and care in the municipal sector. 

- By integrating robotics and assistive technology into people’s homes and nursing homes, we can create better solutions that support both quality of life and effective care. This collaboration will not only strengthen Odense’s position as a centre for technology and innovation, but also give our citizens access to the latest healthcare technologies that can significantly improve everyday life, says Peter Rahbæk Juel, Mayor of Odense Municipality. 

Collaboration with businesses

A key element of MedTech Denmark is the establishment of the MedTech Innovation House, which will house MedTech Denmark’s activities and companies from the medtech sector. These companies will play a key role in bringing research results from the lab to the market, ensuring that new technologies can quickly and effectively benefit patients. It’s about creating growth opportunities for companies at all levels, from small spin-offs from their own environments to large, established players. 

The MedTech Innovation House will provide a dynamic and innovative environment where both new and experienced companies can contribute to and benefit from developments in healthcare technology. This focus on business potential will ensure that the building becomes a centre for cutting-edge innovation and technological development. 

Read more about SDU's and OUH's interdisciplinary research, education and innovation

MedTech Denmark

Søren E. Frandsen, who also heads SDU RIO (SDU Research and Innovation Organisation), has been appointed Head of MedTech Denmark. He is part of a shared management team that includes Deputy Manager Thomas Kristensen, who is also Head of Innovation at OUH. The new management has three main areas of responsibility: 

  • Running the administrative infrastructure and working on the realisation of the MedTech Innovation House. 
  • Financial management: Management must ensure solid financial management and develop a strategy for funding. 
  • Coordination and dialogue: Management must collaborate with both internal and external partners on the academic content of MedTech Denmark. 


Søren E. Frandsen
Phone: 6550 1075, mail:

Editing was completed: 21.10.2024