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  • 13.04.2018

    Digging has commenced for the Centre for Industrial Electronics

    The first spade of soil for the Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE) in Sønderborg was turned over today. The centre is the result of an exceptional regional initiative and a unique collaboration. The CIE will be the home of three new SDU Engineering programmes and research at an international level, and it will meet corporate demands for skilled labour.

  • 01.01.0001

    Strong partnership behind new center at SDU

    A unique collaboration between public and private enterprises forms the basis for new research and innovation facilities as well as new engineering study programmes at SDU in Sønderborg. SDU, Danfoss A/S, LINAK A/S, the Region of Southern Denmark and Sønderborg Municipality each invest DKK 35-36m in a new Center for Industrial Electronics.