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Several calls targeted the established and ascending group leaders have appeared in the last years. Some of these are also useful for recruiting candidates. The calls below hopefully suits you and your profile.

Carlsberg Foundation
- Young Researcher

Deadline - Oktober

Amount - 5 mio DKK excl. overhead for three years

Supported topics - The Carlsberg Foundation supports basic research in the fields of natural science, social science and the humanities

Timing in the hiring process - At the time of application, the applicant cannot be more than two years into her/his tenured associate professorship position

Salary for the PI - The budget may also include up to a total of three months of salary for the main applicant for project management

Carlsberg - Young Researcher

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European Research Council
- Consolidator Grant

Deadline - February

Amount - Up to 2 mio € with the possibility of an additional 1 mio $ for infrastructure

Supported topics - Any scientific disclipline. Excellence is the sole criteria

Timing in the hiring process - The PhD age of the candidate must be within 7-12 years. ERC grants are mobile and follow the recipient, regardless of affiliation at the time of application

Salary for the PI - Can be included in the budget, only for the actual time spend on the ERC project

ERC - Consolidator

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Independent Research Fund Denmark
- Sapere Aude

Deadline - March

Amount - 4.3 mio DKK excl. overhead for four years

Supported topics - All scientific disciplines are covered by the Sapere Aude grant

Timing in the hiring process - The PhD age of the candidate cannot be higher than 8 years. With respect to associate professors, this call is therefore only for relatively newly appointed ones

Salary for the PI - Not forbidden but generally not recommended. If included in the budget, do not add more than salary for 1 year

DFF - Sapere Aude

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Novo Nordisk Foundation
- Start Package

Deadline - One each quartile

Amount - Up to 6 mio DKK for a time-unlimited position at the associate professor level

Supported topics - All Novo-funded areas, e.g. biomedical, data science, natural sciences, biotechnology, life sciences

Timing in the hiring process - The candidate cannot have started earlier than the deadline for the preceeding Start Package grant

Salary for the PI - Cannot be included in the budget

Novo - Start Package

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Novo Nordisk Foundation

Deadline - September

Amount - Up to 25 mio DKK for projects of 7 years in duration

Supported topics - Research within the natural and technical sciences is eligible for support, including, e.g., physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, and technical sciences. Biomedical researh is NOT supported through this call.

Timing in the hiring process - Researchers with demonstrated experience as a group leader and outstanding scientific potential will qualify for a grant as an associate professor. Candidates within a window of 1 year prior to hiring and 1 year after hiring are eligible. Only candidates nominated by the university will be evaluated.

Salary for the PI - Can be included in the budget


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Novo Nordisk Foundation
- Young Researcher Award

Deadline - August

Amount - Up to 25 mio DKK for projects of 7 years in duration

Supported topics - Any area of biomedical and/or biotechnological sciences. Research within biotechnology can be related to medical and/or non-medical uses of the technology. The scientific program can involve basic, translational, clinical and/or epidemiological research

Timing in the hiring process - The candidate cannot have led an independent research group for more than 7 years. Candidates cannot be employed at the Danish research institution during the entire application process

Salary for the PI - Can be included in the budget

Novo - Young Investigator Award

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Novo Nordisk Foundation
- Ascending Investigator: Bioscience and Basic Biomedicine

Deadline - January

Amount - Up to 10 mio DKK over five years

Supported topics - The research project must be centered on understanding the human organism and/or basal mechanisms underlying health and disease

Timing in the hiring process - Applicants must be associate professors and must contribute to the pre-graduate teaching at the host institution. 

Salary for the PI - Can be included in the budget if the candidate is in a time-limited position

Novo - Ascending: Bioscience

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Novo  Nordisk Foundation
- Ascending Investigator: Data Science

Deadline - March

Amount - Up to 10 mio DKK over five years

Supported topics - Research must fall within key data science areas, such as development of new technologies, artificial intelligence, applied math, computer science, big data analytics, and/or applications of data science in biomedical and health science, life science, industrial applications, natural and technical sciences

Timing in the hiring process - Applicants must be associate professors and must contribute to the pre-graduate teaching at the host institution. 

Salary for the PI - Can be included in the budget if the candidate is in a time-limited position

Novo - Ascending: Data Science

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Novo Nordisk Foundation
- Ascending Investigator: Endocrinology and Metabolism

Deadline - January

Amount - Up to 10 mio DKK over five years

Supported topics - Research with a clear focus on acquiring new knowledge on diseases relevant to the human organism within endocrinology and metabolism, e.g. energy homeostasis and hormonal disorders. Cancer-centered projects will not be funded

Timing in the hiring process - Applicants must be associate professors and must contribute to the pre-graduate teaching at the host institution

Salary for the PI - Can be included in the budget if the candidate is in a time-limited position

Novo - Ascending: Metabolism

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Novo Nordisk Foundation
- Ascending Investigator: Industrial Biotechnology and Environmental Biotechnology

Deadline - January

Amount - Up to 10 mio DKK over five years

Supported topics - The proposed research must address major challenges within Industrial Biotechnology and Environmental Biotechnology. The research should be fundamental in character but have a strategic outlook to scaling potential(s), contribute to sustainability and, if relevant, increase productivity

Timing in the hiring process - Applicants must be associate professors and must contribute to the pre-graduate teaching at the host institution

Salary for the PI - Can be included in the budget if the candidate is in a time-limited position

Novo - Ascending: Biotechnology

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Novo Nordisk Foundation
- Ascending Investigator: Plant Science, Agriculture, and Food Biotechnology

Deadline - January

Amount - Up to 10 mio DKK over five years

Supported topics - The proposed research must address major challenges within plant-, agricultural and food science related to sustainable agriculture and food production. The research should be fundamental in character but have a strategic outlook to provide solutions that promote productivity and sustainability at a large scale.

Timing in the hiring process - Applicants must be associate professors and must contribute to the pre-graduate teaching at the host institution

Salary for the PI - Can be included in the budget if the candidate is in a time-limited position

Novo - Ascencding: Plant Science...

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Villum Fonden
- Young Investigator

Deadline - June

Amount - 6 mio DKK for researchers working in Denmark, 8 mio DKK for PIs coming from abroad

Supported topics - Natural and technical sciences - NOT medical/health-related sciences

Timing in the hiring process - The PhD age of the candidate must be below 9 years. With respect to associate professors, this call is therefore only for relatively newly appointed ones

Salary for the PI - Not forbidden but generally not recommended. Villum favors tenure-track PIs over non-tenure

Villum - Young Investigator

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Lundbeck Foundation
- Fellow

Deadline - In September

Amount - Up to 10 mio DKK over five years

Supported topics - The proposed research must be within the fields of biomedical, clinical, or health science, or must facilitate research within those. The Lundbeck Foundation have a strong preference for projects related to neuroscience

Timing in the hiring process - The PhD age of the candidate cannot be higher than 8 years. With respect to associate professors, this call is therefore only for relatively newly appointed ones

Salary for the PI - Can be included in the budget

Lundbeck - Fellowship

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Lundbeck Foundation
- Ascending Investigator

Deadline - May

Amount - 5 mio DKK for four years

Supported topics - Lundbeck Foundations supports research field with potential benefit for the advancement of neuroscience and/or therapies for nervous system disorders. The term ‘neuroscience’ is used here in its broadest sense, including medical, technical, natural and social sciences as well as humanities

Timing in the hiring process - No formal requirements. The foundation expects that the tenure-track applicant has experience in managing an independent research group and has demonstrated the ability to conduct science at a high international level

Salary for the PI - Cannot be part of the budget

Lundbeck - Ascending Investigator

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Lundbeck Foundation
- Start-Up Programme

Deadline - April, August, and September

Amount - 6 mio DKK for four years for associate professors

Supported topics - The research should be within the field of basic or clinical neuroscience, or science with clear relevance to neuroscience. The term ‘neuroscience’ is used here in its broadest sense, hence including medical, technical, natural and social sciences as well as humanities

Timing in the hiring process - Preapproval must be obtained before the candidate can be employed. Candidates must start their full-time comitment within a year after approval of the program

Salary for the PI - Cannot be part of the budget

Lundbeck - Start-Up

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Danish Cancer Society
- Young Talented Cancer Researcher

Deadline - June

Amount - Up to 4 mio DKK for projects of 3 years in duration

Supported topics -Projects must relate to cancer research

Timing in the hiring process - The PhD age of the candidate cannot be higher than 8 years. With respect to associate professors, this call is therefore only for relatively newly appointed ones

Salary for the PI - Cannot be included in the application budget

Cancer Society - Young Researcher

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Last Updated 28.07.2024