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Sustainability and climate

Market and government failures accompanying production and consumption are a key problem driving the detrimental effects of climate change and sustainable development challenges. 

Markets are constituted by multiple stakeholders from companies, industry bodies, research and innovation institutions, political institutions, regulatory bodies, media, and consumers

To achieve sustainable solutions and build markets that mitigate or even reduce adverse environmental and climate change, understanding social and economic relations and interactions among these actors and how markets are formed and regulated is fundamental.

Our strong competences within environmental and resource economics, consumer behaviour, law, and innovation design and management as well as our cooperation with other research environments from engineering and biology put us in a strong position to contribute with such knowledge.

Meet some of our researchers and find out what they are researching within the field of sustainability and climate

Julia Bronnmann

Associate Professor at the Department of Business and Sustainability

Kristina Siig

Professor at the Department of Law

Patricia Wolf

Professor at Department of Business & Management

Last Updated 27.07.2024