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University of Southern Denmark Business School

Collaboration – for companies and organisations

Find future solutions and employees

At the University of Southern Denmark Business School, we collaborate with companies, public authorities, interest organisations, etc. Here, you can gain access to new skills, knowledge and development.

By collaborating with students and researchers from the field of business economics, you can:

  • get help with solving specific tasks
  • build your network and recruit future employees
  • get new perspectives on your company’s processes and development opportunities
  • share knowledge with students and researchers.

Collaboration can take many forms, depending on whether you want to raise awareness about your company, are looking for input and solutions for specific tasks or want to recruit talented employees.

Examples of collaboration opportunities for your organisation

You can:

  • participate in career events and fairs (e.g. Business School Career Fair, Business Lunch, Student Collaboration Day
  • set the students a specific, real-life challenge, which the students work with and find solutions to in class (company case)
  • enter into a project collaboration with one or more students, for example, in bachelor projects, master’s theses, or Industrial PhDs
  • offer internships or host a student (for example, the student works with digital solutions in the company 1 day per week)
  • recruit recent graduates and student assistants for student jobs
  • enter into research collaborations.

We have a strong tradition of collaborating with companies and public authorities and are happy to discuss which option best suits your company. See more of the options below or contact us directly at

Last Updated 27.07.2024