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University of Southern Denmark Business School

Why you should study at University of Southern Denmark Business School

At SDU, you can choose between a wide range of  programmes within the field of business with a high academic level, an excellent study environment and many career opportunities. 


What alumni say about our programmes

You already get a sense of the close interaction between the business community and the educational institution when you embark on your BSc degree. There was a really close study environment, which created a strong sense of togetherness, and a great network across all classes allowing you to discuss with older students.

Mette G. Vinther Eriksen, MSc from SDU and Senior Marketing Specialist, MG Motor Denmark

There are some really talented teachers on the programme with an outstanding academic level. At the same time, there was a great study environment, and as a student you could always go to the teachers for help.

Tue Avbæk Larsen, MSc from SDU and Head of Business Development, Arkil Holding A/S

My approach to work processes, and how to solve large projects, is clearly shaped by my years at SDU.

Christoffer Rosenkrands Falkesen, MSc from SDU and Project Consultant, SEF

Market and Management Anthropology is an exciting programme where you learn to challenge the status quo and think outside the box. I was impressed with how skilled the teachers were, especially in the business disciplines.

Max Klinkby-Silver, Bachelor of Market and Management Anthropology from SDU and co-owner of the production company ELS Production

There was a high academic level in the programme and it was clear that everyone was passionate about the subject, so we had many great discussions in our classes.

Rie Phillips, Bachelor of Market and Management Anthropology from SDU and Head of Project Management Operations at Bilendi

Last Updated 27.07.2024