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The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology invites to cooperation.

Under the menu item Research, you will find much more information about the research at the department. The scientific work focuses on the study of fundamental processes in control of development and of general life of cells. The area thus covers prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell biology, and a range of analytic and technological platforms are used for characterization of biological macromolecules with focus on both metabolites, RNA, DNA, proteins and lipids. The technologies are many, e.g. flourescensebased microscopy, mass spectrometry, biosensors and a range of general and advanced techniques with microbiology, genomics and proteomics..

Traditionally, cooperation is initiated directly by our researchers through their network and collaborators. The Faculty Administration offers administrative support for the establishment of co-operations through. The idea is to offer resources to support the often rather extensive work embedded in establishing a collaboration. Thereby, we hope to make it more easy to explore and initiate collaborations, and hopefully include co-operations that otherwise wouldn't succeed to be established.


Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 2412

Last Updated 09.08.2023