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Some of the defining research themes include globalization processes, mobility, material culture, symbolic consumption and commercial representation, for example brands and branding, emerging markets, digital consumption socialities, well-being and health, consumer-driven market formation, marketization of the welfare state, moral economy and the politicization of markets. Cutting across these specific themes and domains is an emphasis on conceptual development and critique in marke, marketing literature, whether scholarly or managerial. The group aims to do research that has impact and hence seek to engage in or initiate high-profiled academic dialogues.

The disciplinary foundation of the group spans philosophy, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, market and marketing theory. Our research is typically grounded in prolonged empirical engagement using a variety of methods, predominately qualitative and ethnographic approaches.

To learn more about our research, have a look at the publications produced by the CCC group.

Last Updated 06.03.2024