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Inaugural lecture

by Professor Dorthe Brogård Kristensen on 13 November 2023. Sign up to join

Everyone is welcome to join the inaugural lecture by professor Dorthe Brogård Kristensen on 13 November 2023.

The lecture starts at 14.00 in room U53, Campus Odense, followed by a reception hosted by the Department of Business & Management in the lunch room at the department.

Please use this link to sign up - before 7 November.


Bodies of work
Co-Evolving Constellations of the Self and Technologies

In this lecture I will present my research spanning 20 years on bodies and embodiment addressing the sick body, the healthy body and the datafied body. My research has investigated constellations of self/ practices/ technologies, and inquires into how and why individuals engage in vital activities including medical practices, shopping, eating, and self-tracking. I highlight consensus and divergence between different groups and their experiences or positions, e.g. between official and traditional medical authorities and between moralisms and counter-moralisms, or philosophical/ideological notions of optimization and enhancement versus everyday experiences. I develop an analytical lens that, rather than taking a dyadic and binary view of the human body and material objects, sees technologies as situated in collective lives and as a relational emergence of “co-evolving”.

Editing was completed: 04.10.2023