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CV of all consortium participants in the Nordic Literacy Hub bid

Below all CVs of consortium participants in the bid for a Nordic Literacy Hub are listed. They are divided into two sections, reflecting requirements in the call: Core group and Co-participating researchers.

Core group

Nikolaj Elf (Project leader)

Peter Hobel

Helle Pia Laursen

Anna Slotte

Reijo Kupiainen

Øystein Gilje

Randi Solheim

Atle Skaftun

Åsa af Geijarstam

Christina Olin-Scheller


Co-participating researchers

Anna-Lena Godhe

Arne Olav Nygard

Aslaug Fodstad Gourvennec

Birgitte Ljung Egeland

Clas Olander

Erik Knain

Eva Hultin

Heidi Høglund

Henning Fjørtoft

Jenny Wiksten Folkeryd

Jorma Joutsenlahti

Kari Anne Rødnes

Lennart Jølle

Line Ingulfsen

Liselott Forsman

Mari Nygård

Marie Falkesgaard Slot

Marie Tanner

Merja Kauppinen

Petra Magnussen

Riita Juvonen

Stefan Lundstrøm

Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi

Søren Nygaard Drejer

Thorkild Hanghøj

Tobias Fredlund

Uffe Ladegaard

Vibeke Christensen


In addition, several PhDs and other research participants will be recruited. Their CVs will be uploaded when recruited.

Last Updated 25.11.2019