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Tønnes Bekker-Nielsen

University of Southern Denmark


M.A. (history and art history), University of Aarhus, 1981
Ph.d., University of Aarhus, 1987
Dr.phil., University of Southern Denmark, 2004

Managing director, Aarhus University Press, 1985-2000
External associate professor in ancient history, Department of History, University of Bergen, 1993-2000
Associate professor in ancient history, Institute of History and Civilization, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, 2000 to present
Senior researcher, Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Black Sea Studies, Aarhus, 2005

Other experience
President, International Association of Scholarly Publishers, 1992-98
Editor in chief, Classica et Mediaevalia: Danish Journal of Philology and History, 2004-12
Director of oral history project at the University of Aarhus, 1986-88
Participated in the Danish Akamas project (University of Aarhus), 1990-92
External examiner at the universities of Aarhus, Aalborg, Roskilde, and Copenhagen, 1998-2010
Member of assessment committees at the universities of Bergen, Oslo, and Southern Denmark

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Last Updated 21.02.2024