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Exciting new climate modelling using quantum computing subroutines

SDU and DMI partner in exploring applications of quantum mathematics in climate & weather models

By Jane Jamshidi, , 10/24/2022

Climate models, which use mathematical equations to simulate the physical processes of the transfer of energy and materials through the climate system, are known to be a complex and computationally intense problem. Building and running a climate model typically requires quantifying many interaction systems, modelling nonlinear effects in the earth system processes, and repeatedly solving the equations using powerful supercomputers.

In this project, QM and the SDU Climate Cluster is in collaboration with the Danish Meteorological Institute to develop new quantum mathematical climate and weather models. We intent to test the  quantum subroutines on several quantum computing platforms, such as

  1.   The state-of-the-art classical superclusters for simulating quantum computers;
  2.   new quantum cloud services provided by hardware developers and
  3.   actual physical installations of quantum computers run by the centre’s hardware collaborator teams.
Meet the researcher

Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen is the Founder and Head of the Center for Quantum Mathematics and Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMADA) at the Faculty of Science, SDU.



We are currently searching two postdoc candidates.

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Editing was completed: 24.10.2022