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New equipment for MCI with donation from Fabrikant Mads Clausen Fonden

With a total amount of 300.000 DKK, a donation from Danfoss ensures new equipment of use to research and education at MCI.

Thanks to a donation of 300.000 DKK from Fabrikant Mads Clausen Foundation, MCI can now invest in new equipment for the institute’s researchers, teachers and students. Funds have been donated to purchase new function generators for MCI’s electronics lab as well as a number of NI myDAQ devices, which are used for measuring and analyzing signals. Thus, students can borrow an NI myDAQ, install it on their own computer and work with signaling at home.

Furthermore, the foundation has allocated funds for a programmable lab oven. The oven will be used by researchers and students working on developing new materials for thin film sensors, which e.g. are used in new organic solar cells. This field makes up a substantial research area within nanotechnology at the MCI.


Establishment of Power Electronics

The largest part of the donation, however, goes to the acquisition of instruments to support the establishment of MCI’s activities within research and teaching in Power Electronics. In particular, investments will be made in instruments and software addressing Electro-Magnetic Interference and Compatibility (EMI/EMC). As of the summer of 2014, Power Electronics will be an individual master profile on the Mechatronics master engineering programme.

Editing was completed: 05.11.2013