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From classic video game to AI thermostats: Hieu Dao Trung Wins BHJ Project Award

This year, the prestigious BHJ Project Award was presented to Hieu Dao Trung, who worked on developing intelligent AI-controlled thermostats with OJ Electronics for his master's project.

By Sune Holst, , 6/28/2024

This year, the prestigious BHJ Project Award was presented to Hieu Dao Trung, who worked on developing intelligent AI-controlled thermostats with OJ Electronics for his master's project.

"The award means a great deal to me. More than you might think."

These are the words of the foreign mechatronics student, who on Friday received an award from one of Southern Jutland's humanitarians and cultural foundations, the BHJ Foundation, for his master's project.

“Having little prior experience, I found this topic difficult. Sometimes, I can’t help but think ‘Should I just give up?’ But then, every tiny achievement along the journey makes me realize how far I have come, and that ‘I can do it!’ This BHJ award is such an achievement. It is not only a recognition for my past efforts, but it also motivates me to reach further goals by delivering more tangible innovations in the industry,” elaborates Hieu.

Inspired by classic video games
Through his project, Hieu has demonstrated not only how AI can improve heating management but also how it can make thermostats more energy efficient. His inspiration came from an unexpected source: the classic video game "Lunar Lander: Beyond." He applied a technique called 'potential-based reward shaping,' which makes the training process faster and more accurate. The result is a thermostat that learns and adapts more effectively than traditional systems.

"In the video game, you can only do two things: press the spacecraft's right jet or the left one. Each decision leads to success or disaster. Meanwhile, my model can grade how good or bad the situation is, so itsaction is not completely right or wrong. Thus, it can sometimes compromise a bad move to be in an advantageous position for bigger long-term gains," explains Hieu Dao Trung.

Educational collaboration between business and university
He also praises his supervisor, Ali Khosravi, and OJ Electronics A/S for their collaboration on his master's project.

"The collaboration was invaluable. OJ’s support and openness have helped me translate theory into practice," says the grateful student.

OJ Electronics is equally enthusiastic about the results of Hieu's project.

“The results look very promising. They indicate that there is great potential to develop more energy-efficient thermostats through the use of AI. We are always happy to support the educational environment with exciting projects that contribute to an even greater focus on innovation within the company,” says Finn Kähler, Development Manager at OJ Electronics.

This work exemplifies how sometimes two plus two equals five when students and companies work together to create groundbreaking results. In the future, Hieu's application of AI in thermostats could reduce energy consumption and extend the lifespan of these devices, benefiting both consumers and the industry.

The newly graduated mechatronics student will modestly celebrate the award and his education.

"I am busy tinkering with new improvement ideas, so it will only be a single ice cream with friends," laughs Hieu Dao Trung.

Although he was born and raised in the metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City, which has almost twice as many inhabitants as all of Denmark, the newly minted engineer hopes to get a job and remain in the small town of Sønderborg.

He also dreams of becoming an engineer that builds smart applications, especially for small equipment like a thermostat. So, if you and your company are looking for such talent, don't hesitate to contact him.

Editing was completed: 28.06.2024