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Growth by Design

Growth by Design

Growth by Design (The European Social and Regional Fund) is a comprehensive research project consisting of 5 sub-projects which focus heavily on making companies use design more than is the case today. The initiative includes a number of activities that will promote economic growth through design. The initiative is a unique collaboration between the Design Cluster - D2i, Industry, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Kolding Design School, Capital of Children (Børnenes Hovedstad), Kolding Municipality and the Capital city.

Further information is available on the website,

In the Growth by Design project the Institute of Entrepreneurship & Relationship Management is responsible for sub-projects, which are briefly described below.

Business Models in Networks (Forretningsmodeller i netværk)

There is a growing recognition of the fact that the best solutions are created through close collaboration between supplier and customer. Companies that consider this in their business model have a clear competitive edge.

Over two workshops at the University of Southern Denmark and a sparring meeting at your company, you will gain, inter alia:

  • The ability to use visual techniques and design methods
  • An increased overview of the interaction between your strategy and your network
  • Models to be able to view your business in relation to your network
  • Methods to be able to work with co-creation in your network
  • An action plan for changes to your business model

Business Models in Networks is facilitated by Bo Mortensen,

ReThink the Future

The Way Ahead offers companies, public actors and knowledge institutions the help needed to create future growth using design methods. The course focuses on getting from a 'decision-making attitude' to a 'design attitude', where any new project is regarded as an opportunity for innovation. We take a critical view of the company's basic situation and focus on new opportunities.

New solutions are best created through co-creation within interdisciplinary teams. Together with other companies, you therefore get the help that’s needed to develop and launch the innovation opportunities that will give you growth and competitive advantages in the future.

ReThink the Future is facilitated by Suna Løwe Nielsen, and Pia Storvang.

Knowledge Acquisition

During the project - and in the individual innovation courses, new knowledge is continuously acquired and reflected on concerning the company's output and the impact thereof. The methods use to achieve that are developed and implemented by the University of Southern Denmark. This will accelerate the sharing of knowledge about methods and effects of the processes within the various innovation courses in Growth by Design.

Knowledge Acquisition is facilitated by Pia Geisby Erichsen.

Last Updated 25.06.2024