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Thesis leads to success

Kenneth Poucher from SDU Esbjerg got full marks, a job and the University Prize for his master’s thesis

First Kenneth Poucher got a 12 on his master’s thesis. He took his MSc in Environmental and Resource Management at the University of Southern Denmark Esbjerg.

Then he landed a job as an environmental engineer at DONG Energy, where he is working to develop a new environmental strategy, among other things.

Now his thesis has also earned him this year’s Esbjerg University Prize. In addition to the honours, flowers and diploma, he will also receive a check made out in his name for DKK 20,000.

An award given to talented young people

This year marked the 17th time the Esbjerg University Prize was awarded.
It is given out to exceptionally talented students at Aalborg University Esbjerg and the University of Southern Denmark Esbjerg. The prize was sponsored by the Esbjerg Business Development Centre, along with funding from a number of foundations.

Christian Mai, Leif Hansen and Kasper L. Jepsen from Aalborg University were also awarded the prize.

Editing was completed: 19.11.2015