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What is a PhD programme?

In short, a PhD is the ultimate seal of quality in legal methodology. The PhD is a three-year programme in which you are employed in a research position with salary, pension, holidays, etc. and in which you carry out an independent scientific project that culminates in a PhD thesis. The programme is for those who have a degree in law, business law or equivalent and who have a dream of researching and adding new knowledge to the legal world. 

As a PhD student, you will be part of the daily life of the Department and the excellent research environment, and you will have around 70 talented colleagues. You will of course also belong to our group of PhD students who share a professional and personal community.
During the three years, your main focus will be on your thesis. However, during the programme you will also teach and supervise our students, participate in PhD courses with other PhD students and spend a period of time at a university abroad. This stay is called a change of research environment.

Read about the the different stages of the PhD programme.

What career opportunities does a PhD offer?

With a PhD, you will be highly specialised and qualified to take on a range of knowledge-intensive jobs – both in academia and in the private and public sectors.
This means that you can choose to stay in academia and continue researching and teaching, or you can move towards a knowledge-intensive job in the private or public sector (for example, as a lawyer or specialist in your field of research). Specialised knowledge is in high demand, and a PhD is clear evidence that you can deliver knowledge of a high quality.

Why should you choose a PhD programme at the Department of Law?

• You will get a salaried PhD education in which you will learn more about a field that interests you
• You will learn to produce and disseminate new knowledge
• You will learn to structure your working day and to achieve the goals you set yourself
• You will have a change of research environment at a recognised university abroad
• You will attend conferences and PhD courses with other PhD students
• You will be part of an excellent research environment with talented and experienced researchers
• You will have about 60 congenial and interesting colleagues – and the opportunity to build your own network in both Danish and international legal research environments

Myths about being a PhD student

Being a PhD student is not a ‘real’ job
Wrong. You are employed in a full-time position with salary and pension while you are enrolled in the PhD programme.

A PhD makes it hard for you to get a job outside academia 
Wrong. During the PhD programme, you will learn to acquire knowledge and to process large amounts of material, to structure your working day and to bring a large project to a successful conclusion. These qualities can be used in many places in the labour market – both in the private and the public sectors

Being a PhD student is very lonely 
Wrong. You will have a supervisor and become part of the Department’s PhD group and the Department of Law in general. You will therefore be part of an inspiring professional environment – and there is also a good working environment at the Department! You are responsible for the success of your PhD project, but you will be supported by your supervisor and colleagues.

PhD job 2024

Read more here

How to apply for the PhD programme

Read more here

Do you want to obtain a double PhD degree?

Then state your interest in your application for our PhD programme

Read more here

Are you considering an environmental change at The Department of Law?

Read more here

Do you have questions?

Contact our PhD coordinator Nina Dietz Legind


Last Updated 27.06.2024