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Qualification requirements and expectations

Qualification requirements:

PhD level.

Job content:

Research and – to a limited extent - teaching

Employment period:

Max 4 years at the same university.

Opportunity for part-time employment.


Executive Order on job structure for scientific staff at Danish state universities

Read the current executive order here (only in Danish)

BEK nr 1443 af 11/12/2019 - Bekendtgørelse om stillingsstruktur for videnskabeligt personale ved universiteter


Expectations for postdoc


  • Develop own research profile (methodological, theme, etc.) in accordance with the department's/unit's strategy
  • Analytical skills in specific research areas with the potential to shape the research agenda in scientific environments
  • Scientific articles and book chapters are published in registered series and published according to lists of Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI), preferably as the first author in series and publishers at level 2 or 3
  • Presence in national and international networks, research associations and scientific debates with potential to be recognized in the field of research
  • Experience with management of research projects and co-supervision of PhD studies
  • Experience with external funding (eg as a co-applicant), and potential for successful fundraising of smaller projects. Main or co-applicant on at least one grant application per year


  • Pedagogical education: Implement a pedagogy with documentation for own teaching development (or via (SDU’s) postgraduate teaching training course)
  • Experiences with teaching at different levels documented by positive student evaluations
  • Experience with supervision and examination of bachelor and master's students
  • Experience with educational management and/or course development and coordination
  • By appointment deliver working hours related to teaching
  • Updated teaching portfolio

Service to the community

  • Communicate research-based knowledge relevant to specific areas
  • Ability to innovate research dissemination and outreach activities
  • Has a visible role in relevant scientific communities nationally and internationally


  • Participate in relevant committees in the unit and at the department/faculty
  • General administrative tasks at department level (eg registration, budgeting and financial management)

Personal capacity

  • Commitment to the department's/unit's social and professional life with participation in meetings, seminars and PhD defenses
  • Maintain good working relationships with colleagues
  • Motivation for and ability to take part in scientific and pedagogical development as well as departmental development
  • Exponent of a scientific standard and knowledge sharing at the department
  • Engaged in career development and in creating opportunities for younger researchers in projects and other initiatives

Last Updated 21.07.2022